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Political radicalism, policy expectation, and electoral competition in France : a means to the end? (2011)
Journal Article
Evans, J. (2011). Political radicalism, policy expectation, and electoral competition in France : a means to the end?. French Politics, Culture and Society, 29(3), 12-28.

Political parties use policy radicalism as a means of attaining electoral success. Differentiation from other parties and ideological renewal after a period of incumbency or prolonged opposition are valid reasons for policy innovation, but excessive... Read More about Political radicalism, policy expectation, and electoral competition in France : a means to the end?.

Surveillance, suspicion and stigma within the ‘war on terror’ context (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2011, December). Surveillance, suspicion and stigma within the ‘war on terror’ context. Presented at Radicalisation and Extremism: A Symposium for Researchers and Practitioners, Lancashire Police Constabulary, Hulton near Preston

This paper considers the impact of surveillance within a ‘War on Terror’ context, especially on those marked as ‘hyper-visible’ (Khoury 2009). This refers to those seen as being of South Asian or Arabic heritage and of the Muslim faith – or, what I t... Read More about Surveillance, suspicion and stigma within the ‘war on terror’ context.

The limerick lullaby project: an intervention to relieve prenatal stress.(Research Unwrapped) (2011)
Journal Article
Wray, J. (2011). The limerick lullaby project: an intervention to relieve prenatal stress.(Research Unwrapped)

With the festive period looming I felt that the topic of this paper ‘singing lullabies’ resonated with the custom of singing at Christmas time but more than that the joy and peace of singing regardless of the festivity is far reaching. I am not a sin... Read More about The limerick lullaby project: an intervention to relieve prenatal stress.(Research Unwrapped).

Belonging out of context: the intersection of place, networks and ethnic identity among retired British migrants living in the Costa Blanca (2011)
Journal Article
Ahmed, A. (2011). Belonging out of context: the intersection of place, networks and ethnic identity among retired British migrants living in the Costa Blanca. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 5(2), 2-19

Intra-European migration is now a well-documented phenomenon among older people and for UK retirees, Spain is the most popular choice. ‘Belonging’ is particularly important when attempting to understand experiences of migration since often people bec... Read More about Belonging out of context: the intersection of place, networks and ethnic identity among retired British migrants living in the Costa Blanca.

Ambiguity, complexity and uncertainty surrounding the hazards of hydrogen and public views of emergent risks (2011)
Journal Article
Flynn, R., Ricci, M., & Bellaby, P. (2011). Ambiguity, complexity and uncertainty surrounding the hazards of hydrogen and public views of emergent risks. Journal of Risk Research, 15(4), 373-387.

New technologies and emergent risks pose special problems for risk governance
and regulation. This paper outlines some of the uncertainties about the hazards
of hydrogen energy and examines qualitative evidence from recent deliberative
Citizens’ P... Read More about Ambiguity, complexity and uncertainty surrounding the hazards of hydrogen and public views of emergent risks.

Cost-effective ways of delivering enquiry services : a rapid review (2011)
Journal Article
Sutton, A., & Grant, M. (2011). Cost-effective ways of delivering enquiry services : a rapid review. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 28(4), 249-255.

Background:  In the recent times of recession and budget cuts, it is more important than ever for library and information services to deliver cost-effective services.
Objectives:  This rapid review aims to examine the evidence for the most cost-effe... Read More about Cost-effective ways of delivering enquiry services : a rapid review.

Writing academic papers : lost in translation? (2011)
Journal Article
Grant, M. (2011). Writing academic papers : lost in translation?. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 28(4), 247-248.

The process of writing for publication is a challenging one. It moves us from the spoken and written word into a realm that requires us to provide supporting evidence to develop an argument in a logical and progressive way. In English language journa... Read More about Writing academic papers : lost in translation?.

Attacks on midwives, attacks on women’s choices (2011)
Journal Article
Edwards, N., Murphy-Lawless, J., Kirkham, M., & Davies, S. (2011). Attacks on midwives, attacks on women’s choices. AIMS journal, 23(3), 3-7

Nadine Edwards, Jo Murphy-Lawless, Mavis Kirkham and Sarah Davies ask whether recent attacks on midwives are a Human
Rights issue

Nutritional intervention and quality of life in palliative care patients (2011)
Journal Article
Fleming, M., Hollins-Martin, C., & Martin, C. (2011). Nutritional intervention and quality of life in palliative care patients. British Journal of Nursing, 20(20), 1320-1324

Quality of life measures can be used by health professionals to assess effectiveness of nutritional interventions administered to palliative care patients. Stabilizing, maintaining and attempting to increase weight in palliative care patients through... Read More about Nutritional intervention and quality of life in palliative care patients.

“They’re her boobs, it’s up to her, it’s not up to me”: Gendered dimensions of infant feeding decisions (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Gendered dimensions of infant feeding decisions. Presented at 17th Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

Increasing breastfeeding rates is an important public health issue and a key priority for tackling health inequalities, particularly for women in low socioeconomic status (SES) groups who are less likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding. Despit... Read More about “They’re her boobs, it’s up to her, it’s not up to me”: Gendered dimensions of infant feeding decisions.

The (Ab)use of ethnic profiling within the ‘war on terror’ context (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2011, October). The (Ab)use of ethnic profiling within the ‘war on terror’ context. Presented at Black History Month Conference: Racism(s) - Discrimination, Displacement and Home, University of Salford

This paper discusses the deviant labels (immigrant, anti-Western, British hostile, ‘enemy within’ and terrorist) commonly used in surveillance strategies within the ‘war on terror’ context. Particular attention is paid to those who are profiled based... Read More about The (Ab)use of ethnic profiling within the ‘war on terror’ context.

Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship (2011)
Journal Article
Cook, J., Dwyer, P., & Waite, L. (2012). Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship. Journal of Social Policy, 41(2), 329-347.

Following the expansion of the European Union in 2004 unprecedented numbers of Accession 8 migrants from Central and Eastern Europe entered the UK. These migrants are often concentrated in particular urban neighbourhoods, which are already routinely... Read More about Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship.

Comparing men's and womens' experiences of multiple exclusion homelessness (2011)
Journal Article
Bowpitt,, G., Dwyer, P., Sundin, E., & Weinstein, W. (2011). Comparing men's and womens' experiences of multiple exclusion homelessness. Social Policy and Society, 10(4), 537-547.

This article explores gender as a variable in multiple exclusion homelessness in England. Much past research has taken insufficient account of the gender of homeless people, especially the predominance of men in the single homeless population and of... Read More about Comparing men's and womens' experiences of multiple exclusion homelessness.

Navigating the grounded theory terrain. Part 2 (2011)
Journal Article
Hunter, A., Murphy, K., Grealish, A., Casey, D., & Keady, J. (2011). Navigating the grounded theory terrain. Part 2. Nurse Researcher, 19(1), 6-11

Aim In this paper, the choice of classic grounded theory will be discussed and justified in the context of the first author's PhD research.

Background The methodological discussion takes place within the context of PhD research entitled:
Devel... Read More about Navigating the grounded theory terrain. Part 2.

Deriving a forecast model for European election turnout (2011)
Journal Article
Evans, J., & Ivaldi, G. (2011). Deriving a forecast model for European election turnout. Political Research Quarterly, 65(4), 855-867.

Turnout is a key indicator in European Parliament elections, in the absence of a direct executive outcome. Forecasting turnout is an important exercise in requiring the identification of a parsimonious model with good lead time from the array of stru... Read More about Deriving a forecast model for European election turnout.