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Surveillance, suspicion and stigma: Brown bodies in a terror-panic climate (2012)
Journal Article
Patel, T. (2012). Surveillance, suspicion and stigma: Brown bodies in a terror-panic climate. Surveillance & Society, 10(3/4), 215-234

This paper considers hard and soft surveillance measures, processes of racialised labelling and the allocation of stigma within a post-9/11 terror-panic climate. Using qualitative data from the first stage of a wider study, the paper reports on the p... Read More about Surveillance, suspicion and stigma: Brown bodies in a terror-panic climate.

An email survey of midwives knowledge about CytoMegaloVirus (CMV) in Hannover and a skeletal framework for a proposed teaching program (2012)
Journal Article
von Gartzen, A., & Hollins-Martin, C. (2012). An email survey of midwives knowledge about CytoMegaloVirus (CMV) in Hannover and a skeletal framework for a proposed teaching program. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(5), 481-486.

At present there is lack of information about CMV transmission given to midwives, general practitioners,
neonatal pediatricians and nurses, with intrauterine transmission having profound consequences in terms of outcomes for the infected neonate. To... Read More about An email survey of midwives knowledge about CytoMegaloVirus (CMV) in Hannover and a skeletal framework for a proposed teaching program.

Enhanced midwifery in the Salford 'new deal' community (2012)
Journal Article
Waterhouse, C., Lythgoe, J., & Wray, J. (2012). Enhanced midwifery in the Salford 'new deal' community. British Journal of Midwifery, 20(12), 878-882.

The ‘Enhanced Midwifery Service’ was a project to improve the health and wellbeing of pregnant women and new mothers beyond the ‘routine’ service within the ‘New Deal’ area of Salford. It started in 2008 and was funded for 2 years. It included the in... Read More about Enhanced midwifery in the Salford 'new deal' community.

Beneath and beyond the fragments: The charms of simmel’s philosophical path for contemporary subjectivities (2012)
Journal Article
Darmon, I., & Frade, C. (2012). Beneath and beyond the fragments: The charms of simmel’s philosophical path for contemporary subjectivities. Theory, Culture and Society, 29(7/8), 197-217.

Our purpose in this article is to explore the reasons for the continued attractiveness of Simmel's thought today and to probe the contemporary affinities to his philosophical stance towards the world. Simmel anchored the ‘philosophical attitude' in t... Read More about Beneath and beyond the fragments: The charms of simmel’s philosophical path for contemporary subjectivities.

Bigger is not always better! (2012)
Journal Article
Davies, S., & Rawlinson, H. (2012). Bigger is not always better!. AIMS journal, 24(4), 5-7

Sarah Davies and Heather Rawlinson discuss the experience of centralisation of maternity services in Greater Manchester

Accessibility of urban spaces for visually impaired pedestrians (2012)
Journal Article
Norgate, S. (2012). Accessibility of urban spaces for visually impaired pedestrians. Proceedings of the ICE - Municipal Engineer, 165(4), 231-237.

An ageing demographic together with the predicted increase in visual impairment of older people calls for a renewed
consideration of the accessibility and social inclusivity of urban spaces. This paper synthesises the evidence on this
topic and hig... Read More about Accessibility of urban spaces for visually impaired pedestrians.

Midwives and human rights (2012)
Journal Article
Kirkham, M., Davies, S., Edwards, N., & Murphy-Lawless, J. (2012). Midwives and human rights. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 22(4), 441-445

The woman has the right to make decisions about her care, in particular about where, how and with whom she
has her baby. Therefore the options she chooses must be available to her. As the midwife is the person who has
the professional duty to facil... Read More about Midwives and human rights.

General anaesthesia and day-case patient anxiety (2012)
Presentation / Conference
Mitchell, M. (2012, November). General anaesthesia and day-case patient anxiety. Presented at British Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, London

Aim. This paper is a report of a study carried out to uncover the most anxiety provoking aspects of general anaesthesia and determine what interventions may
help to alleviate such anxiety. Background. General anaesthesia has proved to be highly anxi... Read More about General anaesthesia and day-case patient anxiety.

“Let’s stick together” - a grounded theory exploration of interprofessional working used to provide person centered chronic back pain services (2012)
Journal Article
chronic back pain services. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26(6), 491-496.

Chronic back pain is a global phenomenon and a common reason why patients seek help from health professionals. Person-centered interprofessional working is acknowledged as the main strategy for chronic back pain management; however, the complexity of... Read More about “Let’s stick together” - a grounded theory exploration of interprofessional working used to provide person centered chronic back pain services.

Lower limb mechanical properties : determining factors and implications for performance (2012)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., & McMahon, J. (2012). Lower limb mechanical properties : determining factors and implications for performance. Sports Medicine, 42(11), 929-940.

Limb stiffness or musculotendinous stiffness (MTS) has previously been examined in relation to performance and characterized using a number of different methods. However, the fact that MTS shows only low to moderate correlations to performances may i... Read More about Lower limb mechanical properties : determining factors and implications for performance.

‘Being kinder to myself’ (2012)
Presentation / Conference
Beaumont, E. (2012, October). ‘Being kinder to myself’. Poster presented at The Compassionate Mind Foundation 1st Annual Conference, Manchester

‘Why is this not social work?’ The contribution of ‘non-traditional’ placements in preparing social work students for practice (2012)
Journal Article
Scholar, H., McCaughan, S., McLaughlin, H., & Coleman, A. (2012). ‘Why is this not social work?’ The contribution of ‘non-traditional’ placements in preparing social work students for practice. Social Work Education, 31(7), 932-950.

This article reports on the findings of two evaluations of a major charity's learning from providing ‘non-traditional’ social work placements with young people at risk of social exclusion. The article challenges the terminology of ‘non-traditional’ a... Read More about ‘Why is this not social work?’ The contribution of ‘non-traditional’ placements in preparing social work students for practice.

1479 Referral of children from a UK district general hospital emergency department to primary care general practitioners (2012)
Journal Article
Rowland, A., & Isba, R. (2012). 1479 Referral of children from a UK district general hospital emergency department to primary care general practitioners. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl), A419-A420.

Background: This preliminary audit aimed to assess the feasibility
of referring children presenting to a UK District General Hospital
Emergency Department (ED), seeing 27500 children per year, to
their own Primary Care General Practitioner (GP) fo... Read More about 1479 Referral of children from a UK district general hospital emergency department to primary care general practitioners.

1478 Attendances at the children's emergency department : an audit of two years of activity at a new, dedicated paediatric emergency department (2012)
Journal Article
Isba, R., Gibb, M., & Rowland, A. (2012). 1478 Attendances at the children's emergency department : an audit of two years of activity at a new, dedicated paediatric emergency department. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl), A419-A419.

Aim: The aim of this audit was to explore patterns of attendance at
a new, dedicated, audio-visually separate paediatric emergency
department (PED) within the ED of a hospital in the North West of
England. The PED was opened in June 2009 following... Read More about 1478 Attendances at the children's emergency department : an audit of two years of activity at a new, dedicated paediatric emergency department.

1554 An educational programme focusing on paediatric fracture identification maintains a low false-negative radiograph initial report rate in emergency medicine (2012)
Journal Article
Fox, T., & Rowland, A. (2012). 1554 An educational programme focusing on paediatric fracture identification maintains a low false-negative radiograph initial report rate in emergency medicine. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl), A440-A440.

Introduction: False negative radiograph reports constitute greater
than 80% of all diagnostic errors in Emergency Departments (EDs)
with reported levels of false negative initial reports around 1%.
Method: The records of all patients recalled to t... Read More about 1554 An educational programme focusing on paediatric fracture identification maintains a low false-negative radiograph initial report rate in emergency medicine.

A midwives guide to Turner syndrome (2012)
Journal Article
Hollins-Martin, C., & Smythe, A. (2012). A midwives guide to Turner syndrome. British Journal of Midwifery, 20(9), 540-543

Turner syndrome (TS) is a cross-cultural genetic disorder that affects around 1 in 2500 women and is predominately associated with short stature and infertility. Classic TS occurs when one sex chromosome is missing (written as 45,X). In mosaic TS the... Read More about A midwives guide to Turner syndrome.

A Medical e-Learning Development Training Program for Healthcare Professionals and e-Learning Resource (2012)
Presentation / Conference
Huang, K. H. (2012, September). A Medical e-Learning Development Training Program for Healthcare Professionals and e-Learning Resource. Presented at A Medical e-Learning Development Training Program for Healthcare Professionals, College of Health and Social Care, University of Salford

Presentation by Kuo Hung (Daniel) Huang, Department of e-Learning Design and Management, Chiayi National University, Taiwan to the College of Health and Social Care, University of Salford, 3rd September 2012.

Includes an example of an e-learning... Read More about A Medical e-Learning Development Training Program for Healthcare Professionals and e-Learning Resource.