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Thermal assessment of heat mitigation strategies : the case of Portland State University, Oregon, USA (2013)
Journal Article
Taleghani, M., Sailor, D., Tenpierik, M., & van den Dobbelsteen, A. (2014). Thermal assessment of heat mitigation strategies : the case of Portland State University, Oregon, USA. Building and Environment, 73(Mar 14), 138-150.

Courtyard vegetation, high albedo surfaces, and courtyard ponds were investigated as potential heat mitigation strategies using field measurements and simulations in a university campus environment. The investigation was performed during a summer per... Read More about Thermal assessment of heat mitigation strategies : the case of Portland State University, Oregon, USA.

Changing places : New Zealand houses by Winkler & Eisenhofer 1958 to 1969 (2013)
Journal Article
Poppelreuter, T. (2013). Changing places : New Zealand houses by Winkler & Eisenhofer 1958 to 1969. Journal of Architecture, 18(6), 875-904.

The Austrian-born architects Erwin Winkler and Fritz Eisenhofer immigrated to New Zealand during the 1950s. After working at the Housing Division of the Ministry of Works, they established a joint architectural practice in 1958 when the growing New Z... Read More about Changing places : New Zealand houses by Winkler & Eisenhofer 1958 to 1969.

Characteristics of outdoor falls among older people : a qualitative study (2013)
Journal Article
Nyman, S., Ballinger, C., Phillips, J., & Newton, R. (2013). Characteristics of outdoor falls among older people : a qualitative study. BMC Geriatrics, 13(1), 125.

Falls are a major threat to older people’s health and wellbeing. Approximately half of falls occur in outdoor environments but little is known about the circumstances in which they occur. We conducted a qualitative study to explore older... Read More about Characteristics of outdoor falls among older people : a qualitative study.

Designing a novel virtual collaborative environment to support collaboration in design review meetings (2013)
Journal Article
Fernando, T., Wu, K., & Bassanino, M. (2013). Designing a novel virtual collaborative environment to support collaboration in design review meetings. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 18, 372-396

Project review meetings are part of the project management process and are organised to assess progress and resolve any design conflicts to avoid delays in construction. One of the key challenges during a project review meeting is to bring the stakeh... Read More about Designing a novel virtual collaborative environment to support collaboration in design review meetings.

Facilities management : The dynamics of excellence (third edition) (2013)
Barrett, P., & Finch, E. (2013). Facilities management : The dynamics of excellence (third edition). Wiley-Blackwell

Facilities management continues to expand and develop in terms of the
volume and diversity of commercial activity, with a significant influence upon
organisational success and goal achievement. The two previous editions of
Facilities Management ha... Read More about Facilities management : The dynamics of excellence (third edition).

Prognosis of land title formalization in urban Ghana : the myth and reality of awareness and relevance (2013)
Journal Article
Gyau, K., & Hammond, F. (2013). Prognosis of land title formalization in urban Ghana : the myth and reality of awareness and relevance. African studies quarterly, 14(1 & 2), 55-75

While land title formalization is still useful in sub-Saharan Africa, Ghana like many other countries in the sub-region, continues to experience low rate of compliance with the legal title formalization requirement. This is in spite of over a century... Read More about Prognosis of land title formalization in urban Ghana : the myth and reality of awareness and relevance.

Energy performance and thermal comfort of courtyard/atrium dwellings in the Netherlands in the light of climate change (2013)
Journal Article
Taleghani, M., Tenpierik, M., & van den Dobbelsteen, A. (2014). Energy performance and thermal comfort of courtyard/atrium dwellings in the Netherlands in the light of climate change. Renewable Energy, 63(Mar 14), 486-497.

With increased global concerns on climate change, the need for innovative spaces which can provide thermal comfort and energy efficiency is also increasing. This paper analyses the effects of transitional spaces on energy performance and indoor therm... Read More about Energy performance and thermal comfort of courtyard/atrium dwellings in the Netherlands in the light of climate change.

The cost of land title formalisation in Ghana (2013)
Journal Article
Gyau, K., Hammond, F., & Lamond, J. (2013). The cost of land title formalisation in Ghana. Property Management, 31(5), 389-403.

The purpose of this paper is to assess cost of land title formalisation in Ghana from the standpoint of individual land/property owners with the view to suggesting a cost-effective means for title formalisation in the country.
Design/met... Read More about The cost of land title formalisation in Ghana.

Interoperability in semi-intelligent civil engineering agent (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Bavafa, M., & Kiviniemi, A. (2013, October). Interoperability in semi-intelligent civil engineering agent. Presented at Proceedings of the CIB W78 2013: 30th International Conference, Beijing, China

Design process in the construction industry involves multiple stakeholders who may carry out their tasks in widely distributed locations. Therefore the interaction between those participants is often the cause of mistakes and misunderstandings and so... Read More about Interoperability in semi-intelligent civil engineering agent.

The need for alternative research approaches in construction management : the case of delay studies (2013)
Journal Article
Alsehaimi, A., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos Fazenda, P. (2013). The need for alternative research approaches in construction management : the case of delay studies. Journal of Management in Engineering, 29(4), 407-413.

Over the years, there have been many studies of delay in construction, and this type of study continues to be popular in construction management research. A synthesis and critical evaluation of delay studies in developing countries reveals that poor... Read More about The need for alternative research approaches in construction management : the case of delay studies.

An overview of standard contractual forms modifications in the construction industry - the Middle East (2013)
Presentation / Conference
the Middle East. Presented at International Conference on Building Resilience: Individual, institutional and societal coping strategies to address the challenges associated with disaster risk, Heritance Ahungalla, Sri Lanka,

Despite the fact that there exist several construction forms of contract that aimed at standardizing the contractual clauses in relation to the construction industry, the adoption of the same was being subject to major modifications and alteration en... Read More about An overview of standard contractual forms modifications in the construction industry - the Middle East.

Promoting positive gender outcomes in higher education through active workload management (2013)
Barrett, P., & Barrett, L. (2013). Promoting positive gender outcomes in higher education through active workload management

The Higher Education Funding Council funded report 'Promoting Positive Gender Outcomes in HE Through Active Workload Management' includes HEI case study interviews, surveys and workload data analysis to investigate the disparity between the genders... Read More about Promoting positive gender outcomes in higher education through active workload management.

Toward a framework for the sustainable management of social (public) housing estates in Nigeria (2013)
Journal Article
of social (public) housing estates in Nigeria. Mei Zhong gong gong guan li, 10(9), 901-913

Housing is a centre for many socio-economic activities and often provides a mark of prosperity, social acceptance,
and an element of urban development and growth in a country. However, it is suspected that the significance of
housing to people in t... Read More about Toward a framework for the sustainable management of social (public) housing estates in Nigeria.

The two pillars of design theory: Method of analysis and rhetoric (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Koskela, L., & Ballard, G. (2013, August). The two pillars of design theory: Method of analysis and rhetoric. Presented at The 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

Since the 1960’s, there have been many initiatives for promoting theoretical understanding on design. However, in spite of definite progress, there are several puzzles and anomalies in the current theoretical landscape of design. We present an interp... Read More about The two pillars of design theory: Method of analysis and rhetoric.

Rhetoric and design (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Ballard, G., & Koskela, L. (2013, August). Rhetoric and design. Presented at The 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

The relationship between rhetoric and design has been the subject of numerous scholarly publications in the last fifty years, but has not been addressed by scholars of engineering design. This paper argues that the relationship is important for theor... Read More about Rhetoric and design.

Determinants of low land use planning regulation compliance rate in Ghana (2013)
Journal Article
Baffour Awuah, K., & Hammond, F. (2014). Determinants of low land use planning regulation compliance rate in Ghana. Habitat International, 41, 17-23.

The connection between efficient land use and economic development is widely known. Land use planning could thus be effectively leveraged in the fight against poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). To do so, the prescriptions of land use regulations mu... Read More about Determinants of low land use planning regulation compliance rate in Ghana.