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Why anthropomorphic user interface feedback can be effective and preferred by users (2006)
Book Chapter
Murano, P. (2006). Why anthropomorphic user interface feedback can be effective and preferred by users. In C. Chen, J. Filipe, I. Seruca, & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Enterprise information systems VII (241-248). Springer Netherlands.

This paper addresses and resolves an interesting question concerning the reason for anthropomorphic user interface feedback being more effective (in two of three contexts) and preferred by users compared to an equivalent non-anthropomorphic feedback.... Read More about Why anthropomorphic user interface feedback can be effective and preferred by users.

Excess phase effects and modulation transfer function degradation in relation to loudspeakers and rooms intended for the quality control monitoring of music (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Holland, K., Newell, P., Castro, S., & Fazenda, B. (2006, January). Excess phase effects and modulation transfer function degradation in relation to loudspeakers and rooms intended for the quality control monitoring of music. Presented at Institute of Acoustics

Previous papers 1, 2 have discussed the effects of loudspeaker alignment and resonances on the accuracy of reproduction of low frequency audio signals, and a system of modulation transfer function (MTF) measurement was developed which incorporated bo... Read More about Excess phase effects and modulation transfer function degradation in relation to loudspeakers and rooms intended for the quality control monitoring of music.

Best management practice: A sustainable urban drainage system management case study (2006)
Journal Article
Scholz, M. (2006). Best management practice: A sustainable urban drainage system management case study. Water International, 31(3), 310-319.

The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) Management Project satisfies the first of three phases of the Glasgow Surface Water Management Project. This is Glasgow City Council's contribution to the Transformation of Rural and Urban Spatial... Read More about Best management practice: A sustainable urban drainage system management case study.

Improving similarity search in time series using wavelets (2006)
Journal Article
Liabotis, I., Theodoulidis, B., & Saraee, M. (2006). Improving similarity search in time series using wavelets. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2(2), 1116-1137.

Sequences constitute a large portion of data stored in databases. Data mining applications require the ability to process similarity queries over a large amount of time series data. The query processing performance is an important factor that needs t... Read More about Improving similarity search in time series using wavelets.

Electronic structure of InyGa1−yAs1−xNx∕GaAs(N) quantum dots by ten-band k∙p theory (2006)
Journal Article
Tomic, S. (2006). Electronic structure of InyGa1−yAs1−xNx∕GaAs(N) quantum dots by ten-band k∙p theory. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 73(12), 125348.

We present a theoretical study of the electronic and optical properties of InGaAsN∕GaAs quantum dot structures. The calculations are based on a 10×10 k∙p band anticrossing Hamiltonian, incorporating valence, conduction, and nitrogen-induced bands. Nu... Read More about Electronic structure of InyGa1−yAs1−xNx∕GaAs(N) quantum dots by ten-band k∙p theory.

The Glasgow sustainable urban drainage system management project: Case studies (Belvidere hospital and Celtic FC stadium areas) (2006)
Journal Article
Celtic FC stadium areas). Environmental Engineering Science, 23(6), 908-922

The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) Management Project satisfies the first phase
of the Glasgow Surface Water Management Project. This is Glasgow City Council’s contribution to the
Transformation of Rural and Urban Spatial Structur... Read More about The Glasgow sustainable urban drainage system management project: Case studies (Belvidere hospital and Celtic FC stadium areas).

Constructed wetlands: Treatment of concentrated storm water runoff (part A) (2006)
Journal Article
Lee, B., Scholz, M., & Horn, A. (2006). Constructed wetlands: Treatment of concentrated storm water runoff (part A). Environmental Engineering Science, 23(2), 320-331.

The aim of this research was to assess the treatment efficiencies for gully pot liquor of experimental vertical-
flow constructed wetland filters containing Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (common
reed) and filter media of different ads... Read More about Constructed wetlands: Treatment of concentrated storm water runoff (part A).

Constructed wetlands: Prediction of performance with case-based reasoning (part B) (2006)
Journal Article
Lee, B., Scholz, M., Horn, A., & Furber, A. (2006). Constructed wetlands: Prediction of performance with case-based reasoning (part B). Environmental Engineering Science, 23(2), 332-340.

The aim of this research was to assess the treatment efficiencies for gully pot liquor of experimental vertical-
flow constructed wetland filters containing Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (common reed)
and filter media of different ads... Read More about Constructed wetlands: Prediction of performance with case-based reasoning (part B).

Case study: Design and operation of sustainable urban infiltration ponds treating storm runoff (2006)
Journal Article
Zheng, J., Nanbakhsh, H., & Scholz, M. (2006). Case study: Design and operation of sustainable urban infiltration ponds treating storm runoff. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 132(1), 36-41.

Combined wetlands and infiltration ponds are cost-effective ‘end of pipe’ drainage solutions that can be applied for local source control as part of urban development and regeneration. The aims of this case study were to assess constraints associated... Read More about Case study: Design and operation of sustainable urban infiltration ponds treating storm runoff.

Potential for wastewater reuse in irrigation: case study from Aden (Yemen) (2006)
Journal Article
Almas, A., & Scholz, M. (2006). Potential for wastewater reuse in irrigation: case study from Aden (Yemen). International Journal of Environmental Studies, 63(2), 131-142.

Wastewater treatment with waste stabilization ponds (WSP) is a very efficient, low cost and low maintenance operation. The treated wastewater from WSP should be considered as a valuable resource for reuse by water resources managers. Yemen’s water re... Read More about Potential for wastewater reuse in irrigation: case study from Aden (Yemen).

Agriculture and water resources crisis in Yemen: Need for sustainable agriculture (2006)
Journal Article
Almas, A., & Scholz, M. (2006). Agriculture and water resources crisis in Yemen: Need for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 28(3), 55-75.

Yemen's agriculture and water resources sectors are in a crisis. The water availability is 150 m3/cap/a. This compares with an average of 1250 m3/cap/a for the Middle East and North Africa. All surface water and groundwater resources are exploited be... Read More about Agriculture and water resources crisis in Yemen: Need for sustainable agriculture.

A comparative study: Prediction of constructed treatment wetland performance with k-nearest neighbors and neural networks (2006)
Journal Article

K-nearest neighbors (KNN), support vector machine (SVM) and self-organizing map (SOM) were applied to predict five-day @ 20˚C N- Allylthiourea biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS), and to assess novel alternative methods of analy... Read More about A comparative study: Prediction of constructed treatment wetland performance with k-nearest neighbors and neural networks.

Combustion CVD : exploration of potential for optical thin film synthesis (2006)
Gutierrez, G. Combustion CVD : exploration of potential for optical thin film synthesis. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The aim of this PhD was to undertake a study of combustion chemical
vapour deposition (combustion CVD or CCVD) for the optical thin film
materials synthesis. The most common variables for thin film formation were
investigated, e.g. precursor volat... Read More about Combustion CVD : exploration of potential for optical thin film synthesis.

On the theory of Helmholtz solitons (2006)
Christian, J. On the theory of Helmholtz solitons. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

This thesis is concerned with spatial optical solitons in (quasi-two
dimensional) planar waveguides, where there is a single longitudinal and
(effectively) a single transverse dimension, and whose symmetry the solutions
respect consistently. A key... Read More about On the theory of Helmholtz solitons.

Room acoustic parameter extraction from music signals (2006)
Journal Article
Kendrick, P., Cox, T., Zhang, Y., Chambers, J., & Li, F. (2006). Room acoustic parameter extraction from music signals. Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 5, V-801.

A new method, employing machine learning techniques and a modified low frequency envelope spectrum estimator, for estimating important room acoustic parameters including reverberation time (RT) and early decay time (EDT) from received music signals h... Read More about Room acoustic parameter extraction from music signals.

A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set (2006)
Book Chapter
Correa, E., Freitas, A., & Johnson, C. (2006). A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set. In Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '06 (35). ACM Digital Library.

Many data mining applications involve the task of building a model for predictive classification. The goal of such a model is to classify examples (records or data instances) into classes or categories of the same type. The use of variables (attribut... Read More about A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set.