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The effect of cognitive task on ankle movement variability in athletes with functional ankle instability (2014)
Journal Article
Tavakoli, S., Forghany, S., Nester, C., Jamali, A., & Bapirzadeh, K. (2014). The effect of cognitive task on ankle movement variability in athletes with functional ankle instability. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A90-A90.

Gait has been generally viewed as a largely automated motor task, requiring minimal higher-level cognitive input. Increasing evidence, however, suggest that attention demanding cognitive tasks to disturb gait[1, 2]. Movement variability may influence... Read More about The effect of cognitive task on ankle movement variability in athletes with functional ankle instability.

The effect of rollover footwear on pain, disability and lumbar posture in patients with low back pain (2014)
Journal Article
Rahimi, A., Forghany, S., Nester, C., & pol, F. (2014). The effect of rollover footwear on pain, disability and lumbar posture in patients with low back pain. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(S1), A20-A20.

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders [1]. Exercise therapy is often advised [2, 3] but requires a significant time commitment, can rely on equipment or health professionals and risks low compliance. As an alternativ... Read More about The effect of rollover footwear on pain, disability and lumbar posture in patients with low back pain.

The effect of rollover footwear on head and trunk posture during standing (2014)
Journal Article
Pol, F., Forghany, S., Nester, C., & Rahimi, A. (2014). The effect of rollover footwear on head and trunk posture during standing. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7, A21-A21.

Footwear with a curved sole profile has become popular due to the proposed benefits to gait, posture and altered muscle activity and tone. In addition, rocker profiled footwear are one of the most commonly prescribed therapeutic shoes. The altered mo... Read More about The effect of rollover footwear on head and trunk posture during standing.

Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists (2014)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., Amanna, A., Bodell, S., & Hammond, A. (2014). Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists. Rheumatology, 53(Supp.1), i121-i122.

Background: Work disability in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is common and many are unlikely to return to work once they cease working. This study, nested within a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a vocational rehabilitation (VR) programme, aimed to... Read More about Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ views of a vocational rehabilitation intervention provided by rheumatology occupational therapists.

Reliability of three objective hand measures : joint circumference, composite finger flexion and the grip ability test (2014)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., Jones, V., & Prior, Y. (2014). Reliability of three objective hand measures : joint circumference, composite finger flexion and the grip ability test. Rheumatology, 53(Supp1), i124.

Background: Prior to a feasibility study evaluating compression gloves in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), we searched AMED (1985- April 2013) and MEDLINE (1988 - April 2013) to identify reliable methods of evaluating objective measures of hand joint swell... Read More about Reliability of three objective hand measures : joint circumference, composite finger flexion and the grip ability test.

A systematic review of compression gloves in arthritis (2014)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., Jones, V., & Prior, Y. (2014). A systematic review of compression gloves in arthritis. Rheumatology, 53(Supp1), i125.

Background: Compression gloves (CG) are provided in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), inflammatory arthritis (IA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and hand osteoarthritis (OA) to relieve pain and swelling at night, reduce stiffness and improve hand movem... Read More about A systematic review of compression gloves in arthritis.

The comparison of normative reference data from different gait analysis services (2014)
Journal Article
Pinzone, O., Schwartz, M., Thomason, P., & Baker, R. (2014). The comparison of normative reference data from different gait analysis services. Gait & Posture, 40(2), 286-290.

Comparison of normative data between gait analysis services offers the potential to harmonise data collection protocols. This paper presents a method for such a comparison based on an assumption that the root mean square difference from the inter-ser... Read More about The comparison of normative reference data from different gait analysis services.

The effect of hydration on the risk of friction blister formation on the heel of the foot (2014)
Journal Article
formation on the heel of the foot. Skin Research and Technology, 20(2), 246-253.


Friction blister research has focused on prevention and treatment approaches rather than exploring the pathophysiology of the friction blister. Increased skin hydration has been purported to be a key risk factor in friction blister dev... Read More about The effect of hydration on the risk of friction blister formation on the heel of the foot.

Comparison of patients diagnosed with gonorrhoea through community screening with those self-presenting to the genito-urinary medicine clinic (2014)
Journal Article
Cook, P. (2014). Comparison of patients diagnosed with gonorrhoea through community screening with those self-presenting to the genito-urinary medicine clinic. BMJ Open, 4(3), 1-7.

Objectives: To compare the clinical, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of individuals diagnosed with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) in the community using a concomitant nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT, AptimaCombo2) as part of the (comm... Read More about Comparison of patients diagnosed with gonorrhoea through community screening with those self-presenting to the genito-urinary medicine clinic.

The relationship between 2d knee valgus angle during single leg squat (sls), single leg landing (sll), and forward running (2014)
Journal Article
Atkin, K., Herrington, L., Alenezi, F., Jones, P., & Jones, R. (2014). The relationship between 2d knee valgus angle during single leg squat (sls), single leg landing (sll), and forward running. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(7), 563-563.

BACKGROUND: Two-dimensional (2D) analysis of knee valgus during common athletic screening tasks such as SLS has been purported to identify individuals who may be at a high-risk of ACL injury. There is limited literature exploring the relationships be... Read More about The relationship between 2d knee valgus angle during single leg squat (sls), single leg landing (sll), and forward running.

A free-response evaluation determining value in the computed tomography attenuation correction image for revealing pulmonary incidental findings : a phantom study (2014)
Journal Article
Thompson, J., Hogg, P., Manning, D., Szczepura, K., & Chakraborty, D. (2014). A free-response evaluation determining value in the computed tomography attenuation correction image for revealing pulmonary incidental findings : a phantom study. Academic radiology, 21(4), 538-545.

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare lesion-detection performance when interpreting computed tomography (CT) images that are acquired for attenuation correction when performing single photon emission computed tomography/... Read More about A free-response evaluation determining value in the computed tomography attenuation correction image for revealing pulmonary incidental findings : a phantom study.

Treating plantar warts : utilising natural immunity to induce wart regression (2014)
Journal Article
Hashmi, F., & Bristow, I. (2014). Treating plantar warts : utilising natural immunity to induce wart regression. Dermatological nursing, 13(1), 42-45

In a previous article in the 'Podiatry Focus' section, the treatment of plantar warts (or verrucae) has been described (Bristow, Greenwood, 2009). These skin lesions are notoriously difficult to treat, even in immune-competent individuals, and as a r... Read More about Treating plantar warts : utilising natural immunity to induce wart regression.

Ultrasound evaluation of foot muscles and plantar fascia in pes planus (2014)
Journal Article
Angin, S., Crofts, G., Mickle, K., & Nester, C. (2014). Ultrasound evaluation of foot muscles and plantar fascia in pes planus. Gait & Posture, 40(1), 48-52.

Multiple intrinsic and extrinsic soft tissue structures that apply forces and support the medial longitudinal arch have been implicated in pes planus. These structures have common functions but their interaction in pes planus is not full... Read More about Ultrasound evaluation of foot muscles and plantar fascia in pes planus.

Christmas in later life : the experience of older widows (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Collins, T. (2014, February). Christmas in later life : the experience of older widows. Presented at Understanding Loneliness: the challenge of Christmas, Independent Age and Campaign to End Loneliness, Friends House, Euston London, United Kingdom

Integrating research-informed teaching within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum : Results from a level 4 (year 1) student cohort (2014)
Journal Article
Higgins, R., Robinson, L., & Hogg, P. (2014). Integrating research-informed teaching within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum : Results from a level 4 (year 1) student cohort. Radiography, 20(2), 100-106.

Previously we reported on focus group research which explored the level 4 (year 1) student experience of the Research-informed Teaching experience (RiTe). This article discusses follow up research with a new student cohort.

An online... Read More about Integrating research-informed teaching within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum : Results from a level 4 (year 1) student cohort.

Neurobiological abnormalities in the first few years of life in individuals later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder : A review of recent data (2014)
Journal Article
Allely, C., Gillberg, C., & Wilson, P. (2014). Neurobiological abnormalities in the first few years of life in individuals later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder : A review of recent data. Behavioural Neurology, 2014, 1-20.

Background: Despite the widely-held understanding that the biological changes that lead to autism usually occur during prenatal life, there has been relatively little research into the functional development of the brain during early infancy in indiv... Read More about Neurobiological abnormalities in the first few years of life in individuals later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder : A review of recent data.

A mechanical protocol to replicate impact in walking footwear (2014)
Journal Article
Price, C., Cooper, G., Graham-Smith, P., & Jones, R. (2014). A mechanical protocol to replicate impact in walking footwear. Gait & Posture, 40(1), 26-31.

Impact testing is undertaken to quantify the shock absorption characteristics of footwear. The current widely reported mechanical testing method mimics the heel impact in running and therefore applies excessive energy to walking footwear. The purpose... Read More about A mechanical protocol to replicate impact in walking footwear.

Reproducibility of kinematic measures of the thoracic spine, lumbar spine and pelvis during fast running (2014)
Journal Article
Mason, D., Preece, S., Bramah, C., & Herrington, L. (2016). Reproducibility of kinematic measures of the thoracic spine, lumbar spine and pelvis during fast running. Gait & Posture, 43, 96-100.

This study evaluated the reproducibility of the angular rotations of the thoracic spine, lumbar, spine, pelvis and lower extremity during running. In addition, the study compared kinematic, reproducibility between two methods for calculating kinemati... Read More about Reproducibility of kinematic measures of the thoracic spine, lumbar spine and pelvis during fast running.

Managing widowhood in later life : the challenges encountered (2014)
Journal Article
Collins, T. (2014). Managing widowhood in later life : the challenges encountered. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 21(2), 69-76.

Background/aim: Widowhood in later life is a transition experienced by many older people,
particularly older women. This paper explores the challenges encountered by a group of older women
experiencing the loss of a spouse or partner.
Methods:... Read More about Managing widowhood in later life : the challenges encountered.

Using virtual environments to test the effects of life like architecture on people (2014)
Book Chapter
Adi, M., & Roberts, D. (2014). Using virtual environments to test the effects of life like architecture on people. In A. Brooks, S. Brahnam, & L. Jain (Eds.), Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being: Serious Games, Alternative Realities, and Play Therapy (261-285). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

While traditionally associated with stability, sturdiness and anchoring, architecture is more than a container protecting from the elements. It is a place that influences state of mind and productivity of those within it. On the doorstep of adaptive... Read More about Using virtual environments to test the effects of life like architecture on people.