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MediVol: An initial study into real-time interactive 3D visualisation of soft tissue pathologies
Presentation / Conference
Aspin, R., Smith, M., Hutchinson, C., & Funk, L. MediVol: An initial study into real-time interactive 3D visualisation of soft tissue pathologies. Presented at 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, Vancouver, BC

None-invasive scanning technologies, such as MRI, have greatly enhanced our ability to ‘image’ the internal body, however the resultant visualisation is often difficult to comprehend due to both inadequacies in the scanning process and sub-optimal ap... Read More about MediVol: An initial study into real-time interactive 3D visualisation of soft tissue pathologies.

Synchronization of images from multiple cameras to reconstruct a moving human
Presentation / Conference
Moore, C., Duckworth, T., Aspin, R., & Roberts, D. Synchronization of images from multiple cameras to reconstruct a moving human. Presented at Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), 2010 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on, Fairfax, VA

What level of synchronization is necessary between images from multiple cameras in order to realistically reconstruct a moving human in 3D? Live reconstruction of the human form, from cameras surrounding the subject, could bridge the gap between vide... Read More about Synchronization of images from multiple cameras to reconstruct a moving human.

An exploration of non-tessellated 3D space carving for real-time 3D reconstruction of a person through a simulated process
Presentation / Conference
Aspin, R., & Roberts, D. An exploration of non-tessellated 3D space carving for real-time 3D reconstruction of a person through a simulated process. Presented at Visual Media Production (CVMP), 2010 Conference on, London

Real-time 3D reconstruction of people promises to combine the winning characteristics of video conferencing and immersive collaborative virtual environments. However, it remains difficult to obtain a reconstruction of a person with recognisable facia... Read More about An exploration of non-tessellated 3D space carving for real-time 3D reconstruction of a person through a simulated process.

Iris disease classifying using neuro-fuzzy medical diagnosis machine
Book Chapter
Moein, S., Saraee, M., & Moein, M. Iris disease classifying using neuro-fuzzy medical diagnosis machine. In The Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2009) (359-368). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg,.

Disease diagnosis is an essential task in the medical world. The use of computers in the practice of medicine is becoming more and more crucial. In this paper, we propose an intelligent system to help us diagnose the Iris disease. This system is base... Read More about Iris disease classifying using neuro-fuzzy medical diagnosis machine.

Spatial soliton refraction at cubic-quintic material interfaces
Presentation / Conference
McCoy, E., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. Spatial soliton refraction at cubic-quintic material interfaces. Poster presented at Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC 11), University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK

In their most general form, wave–interface problems are inherently angular in nature. For instance, the interaction between light waves and material boundaries essentially defines the entire field of optics [1]. The seminal works of Aceves et al. [2,... Read More about Spatial soliton refraction at cubic-quintic material interfaces.

Families of two-colour Helmholtz spatial solitons
Presentation / Conference
Bostock, C., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. Families of two-colour Helmholtz spatial solitons. Poster presented at Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC 11), University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK

Multi-colour spatial solitons comprise localized optical components at distinct temporal frequencies [1]. The
components (which may be bright-like and dark-like) tend to overlap in space, thereby allowing the interplay
between linear spreading (dif... Read More about Families of two-colour Helmholtz spatial solitons.

From Turing instability to fractals
Presentation / Conference
Huang, J., Christian, J., McDonald, G., Jahanpanah, J., & Chamorro-Posada, P. From Turing instability to fractals. Presented at Nonlinear Photonics Topical Meeting, Quebec City, Canada

Complexity focuses on commonality across subject areas and forms a natural platform for multidisciplinary activities. Typical generic signatures of complexity include: (i) spontaneous occurrence of simple patterns (e.g. stripes, squares, hexagons) em... Read More about From Turing instability to fractals.

Helmholtz solitons: a new angle in nonlinear optics
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., McDonald, G., Chamorro-Posada, P., & Sanchez-Curto, J. Helmholtz solitons: a new angle in nonlinear optics. Poster presented at Nonlinear Photonics Topical Meeting, Quebec City, Canada

We rigorously show that nonparaxial optical beams are not necessarily ultranarrow [1-3]. While existing paraxial
models constrain considerations of broad beams to vanishingly-small propagation angles relative to the longitudinal (i.e. z) direction,... Read More about Helmholtz solitons: a new angle in nonlinear optics.

Helmholtz solitons: a new angle in nonlinear science
Presentation / Conference
Chamorro-Posada, P., McDonald, G., Sanchez-Curto, J., & Christian, J. Helmholtz solitons: a new angle in nonlinear science. Presented at Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (NEEDS), L’Ametlla de Mar, Spain

The ubiquitous nonlinear SchrÄodinger (NLS) equation models soliton propagation in many di®erent scenarios. In a nutshell, the NLS equation describes the slow modulation of the envelope of a linear wave when propagating in a weakly nonlinear medium.... Read More about Helmholtz solitons: a new angle in nonlinear science.

Peristaltic flow of non-Newtonian, compressible fluid with non-zero boundary slip
Presentation / Conference
Tsiklauri, D., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. Peristaltic flow of non-Newtonian, compressible fluid with non-zero boundary slip. Poster presented at Materials Congress: Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IoM3), London, UK

In Tsiklauri & Beresnev, Phys Rev E 64, 036303 (2001), we investigated new phenomena brought about into the classic peristaltic mechanism by the inclusion of non-Newtonian effects based on the model of a Maxwell fluid. In Tsiklauri, J Acoust Soc Am 1... Read More about Peristaltic flow of non-Newtonian, compressible fluid with non-zero boundary slip.

Peristaltic wave propagation in compressible Maxwell fluids with boundary slip
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., Tsiklauri, D., & McDonald, G. Peristaltic wave propagation in compressible Maxwell fluids with boundary slip. Poster presented at Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, University of Exeter, UK

Boundary slip has recently been observed by Craig et al. [Phys Rev Lett 87, 054504 (2001)]. Complementing this work, Tsiklauri [J Acoust Soc Am 112, 843 (2002)] incorporated non-zero boundary slip into a theoretical model of fluid-saturated porous me... Read More about Peristaltic wave propagation in compressible Maxwell fluids with boundary slip.

Helmholtz solitons in non-Kerr media
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., McDonald, G., & Chamorro-Posada, P. Helmholtz solitons in non-Kerr media. Poster presented at 25th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe/EQEC), Munich, Germany

Spatial optical soliton propagation in a planar waveguide is often modelled by a Non-Linear Schrödinger
(NLS) type equation. Such systems are paraxial in nature, and cannot describe accurately off-axis propagation at nontrivial angles. The NLS equat... Read More about Helmholtz solitons in non-Kerr media.

Helmholtz-Manakov solitons
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., McDonald, G., & Chamorro-Posada, P. Helmholtz-Manakov solitons. Presented at 25th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe/EQEC), Munich, Germany

The propagation of a spatial vector soliton beam in a Kerr planar waveguide is typically described by the Manakov equation [1]. However, the assumption of beam paraxiality breaks the rotational symmetry of the wave propagation problem. Manakov-based... Read More about Helmholtz-Manakov solitons.

Fresnel diffraction from polygonal apertures
Presentation / Conference
Huang, J., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. Fresnel diffraction from polygonal apertures. Poster presented at 25th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe/EQEC), Munich, Germany

We present, for the first time, two complementary analytical techniques for calculating the Fresnel diffraction patterns from a polygonal aperture illuminated by a plane wave. These frameworks are exact, in that they do not involve any further approx... Read More about Fresnel diffraction from polygonal apertures.

Nonlinear wave phenomena at optical boundaries: spatial soliton refraction
Presentation / Conference
McCoy, E., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. Nonlinear wave phenomena at optical boundaries: spatial soliton refraction. Presented at 2nd CSE Doctoral School Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK

The behaviour of light at the interface between different materials underpins the entire field of Optics. Arguably
the simplest manifestation of this phenomenon – the reflection and refraction characteristics of (infinitely-wide) plane waves at the... Read More about Nonlinear wave phenomena at optical boundaries: spatial soliton refraction.

On the generation of ultrabroad bandwidth light for inertial confinement fusion
Presentation / Conference
McDonald, G., New, G., Losev, L., Lutsenko, A., & Shaw, M. On the generation of ultrabroad bandwidth light for inertial confinement fusion. Presented at 23rd European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, St John's College, Oxford

Symmetric bichromatic pumping in stimulated Raman scattering is predicted to lead to the generation of a multifrequency beam consisting of nearly 50 Raman lines of comparable amplitude. Such a beam may have application in laser fusion. We show that... Read More about On the generation of ultrabroad bandwidth light for inertial confinement fusion.

Evolving emergency planning tabletop exercises
Presentation / Conference
Mooney, J., Driscoll, P., Patera, M., & Griffiths, L. Evolving emergency planning tabletop exercises. Poster presented at Education in a Changing Environment (ECE) 6th International Conference, Creativity and Engagement in Higher Education, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK

Comparison of constructed reed beds with different filter media treating simulated mine drainage water
Journal Article
Scholz, M., & Wu, J. Comparison of constructed reed beds with different filter media treating simulated mine drainage water. Ecological Engineering, 18(3), 385-390.

The aim of this study was to investigate the treatment efficiency of passive vertical-flow constructed wetland filters containing different macrophytes (Phragmites and/or Typha) and granular media with different adsorption capacities. Different conce... Read More about Comparison of constructed reed beds with different filter media treating simulated mine drainage water.