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Helmholtz dark spatial optical solitons for a defocusing saturable nonlinearity
Presentation / Conference
defocusing saturable nonlinearity. Presented at European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2012), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

We report on our latest developments in the field of Helmholtz soliton theory: the derivation of exact dark spatial optical solitons for a defocusing saturable nonlinearity. A raft of new physical predictions is made, and extensive analysis (via bot... Read More about Helmholtz dark spatial optical solitons for a defocusing saturable nonlinearity.

Nonparaxial refraction laws for spatial solitons at cubic-quintic material interfaces
Presentation / Conference
cubic-quintic material interfaces. Presented at National Photonics Conference, Photon12, University of Durham, UK

The behaviour of light at the interface between different materials essentially underpins the entire field of Optics. In nonlinear photonics, a building-block geometry comprises a spatial soliton incident on the planar boundary between two dissimila... Read More about Nonparaxial refraction laws for spatial solitons at cubic-quintic material interfaces.

Helmholtz spatial solitons and oblique propagation in coupled-waveguide arrays
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., McCoy, E., McDonald, G., Sanchez-Curto, J., & Chamorro-Posada, P. Helmholtz spatial solitons and oblique propagation in coupled-waveguide arrays. Presented at National Photonics Conference, Photon12, University of Durham, UK

The interaction between light waves and layered host media is a fundamental class of problem in nonlinear photonics. For example, the interest may lie with studying the behaviour of a spatial optical soliton: (i) at the planar boundary between other... Read More about Helmholtz spatial solitons and oblique propagation in coupled-waveguide arrays.

Helmholtz dark spatial solitons in waveguides with defocusing saturable materials
Presentation / Conference
with defocusing saturable materials. Presented at National Photonics Conference, Photon12, University of Durham, UK

Angular configurations play a fundamental role in essentially all nonlinear photonic architectures: from beam multiplexing applications, to scattering at a single interface, to evolution inside patterned optical structures. Equations of the nonline... Read More about Helmholtz dark spatial solitons in waveguides with defocusing saturable materials.

Two-colour spatial optical solitons: new stability analyses for off-axis propagation
Presentation / Conference
new stability analyses for off-axis propagation. Presented at National Photonics Conference, Photon12, University of Durham, UK

Two-colour spatial optical solitons comprise a pair of stationary continuous-wave light beams at two well-separated temporal frequencies. The components overlap in the propagation plane and are coupled through system nonlinearity (e.g., the Kerr-typ... Read More about Two-colour spatial optical solitons: new stability analyses for off-axis propagation.

Instabilities and Helmholtz vector solitons in nonlinearly-coupled optical systems
Presentation / Conference
nonlinearly-coupled optical systems. Presented at Second Annual Student Conference on Complexity Science (SCCS 2012), University of Gloucestershire, UK

The propagation of, and interaction between, multiple waves is a fundamental problem in physical science. The interplay between linear and nonlinear processes – such as diffraction (wave spreading) and self-/cross-phase modulation (wave compressing)... Read More about Instabilities and Helmholtz vector solitons in nonlinearly-coupled optical systems.

Propagation properties of Helmholtz power-law nonlinear surface waves
Presentation / Conference
nonlinear surface waves. Presented at Second Annual Student Conference on Complexity Science (SCCS 2012), University Gloucestershire, UK

Optical surface waves are a fundamental class of excitation in inhomogeneous nonlinear photonic systems. This type of laser light satisfies a Helmholtz-type governing equation, and is subject to certain boundary conditions. It also has an asymmetri... Read More about Propagation properties of Helmholtz power-law nonlinear surface waves.

Nonparaxial refraction and giant Goos-Hänchen shifts at nonlinear optical interfaces
Presentation / Conference
at nonlinear optical interfaces. Presented at Second Annual Student Conference on Complexity Science (SCCS 2012), University of Gloucestershire

The scattering of spatial optical solitons (self-localizing beams of laser light) at the interface between two dissimilar materials is a problem of fundamental importance in nonlinear photonics. Theoretical analyses must take into account a highly c... Read More about Nonparaxial refraction and giant Goos-Hänchen shifts at nonlinear optical interfaces.

Time domain modelling of room acoustics
Presentation / Conference
Lam, Y., & Hargreaves, J. Time domain modelling of room acoustics. Presented at Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France

Time domain modelling offers many advantages for room acoustics investigations. It directly generates the room’s impulse response which is an important piece of information for acoustic quality assessment. It is efficient for broadband calculations o... Read More about Time domain modelling of room acoustics.

Implementing wave field synthesis in an ITU spec listening room part 2: Bass without modes
Presentation / Conference
Hargreaves, J., & Wankling, M. Implementing wave field synthesis in an ITU spec listening room part 2: Bass without modes. Presented at Reproduced Sounds 2011, Brighton

In recent years various sound reproduction systems have been proposed which attempt to use multiple transducers to tame the modal behaviour often prominent in rooms at low frequencies. Of particular interest is the Controlled Acoustic Bass System (C... Read More about Implementing wave field synthesis in an ITU spec listening room part 2: Bass without modes.

Human response to vibration in residential environments : establishing exposure-response relationships
Presentation / Conference
establishing exposure-response relationships. Presented at 10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN) 2011, London, UK, London

This paper presents results from a large scale study investigating the human response to vibration in residential environments. The main aim of this study was to derive exposure-response relationships for annoyance caused by vibration experienced wit... Read More about Human response to vibration in residential environments : establishing exposure-response relationships.

A novel method in scam detection and prevention using data mining approaches
Presentation / Conference
Mokhtari, M., Saraee, M., & Haghshenas, A. A novel method in scam detection and prevention using data mining approaches. Presented at IDMC2008, Amir Kabir University, Tehran Iran

‘Scam’ is a fraudulence message by criminal intent sent to internet user mailboxes. Many approaches have been proposed to filter out unsolicited messages known as ‘spam’ from legitimate messages known as ‘ham’. However up to this date no suitable app... Read More about A novel method in scam detection and prevention using data mining approaches.

Mining GPS logs to augment location models
Presentation / Conference
Saraee, M., & Yamaner, S. Mining GPS logs to augment location models. Presented at The Sixth International Conference on Data Mining, Text Mining and their Business Applications May 25 – 27, 2005, Skiathos, Greece., 2005, Skiathos, Greece

The availability of mobile computing and satellite technologies make it possible to develop applications that are aware of user location.However, as the amount of collected data grows quickly, coming up with techniques that ease interpretation of suc... Read More about Mining GPS logs to augment location models.

Recreating the sound of Stonehenge
Presentation / Conference
Fazenda, B., & Drumm, I. Recreating the sound of Stonehenge. Presented at Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, Patras, Greece

Stonehenge is the largest and most complex ancient stone circle known to mankind. In its original form, the concentric shape of stone rings would have surrounded an indi-vidual both visually and aurally. It is an outdoor space and most archaeological... Read More about Recreating the sound of Stonehenge.

Improving genetic algorithm with the help of novel twin removal method
Presentation / Conference
Imani, M., Pakizeh, E., & Saraee, M. Improving genetic algorithm with the help of novel twin removal method. Presented at 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, held February 15-17, 2010 in Innsbruck, Austria., Innsbruck, Austria

Evolutionary Algorithms is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science. The simple Genetic Algorithm is fairly representative of other EAs. As they all use the same steps, significant researches in this area focus on Genetic Algorithm (GA).... Read More about Improving genetic algorithm with the help of novel twin removal method.

MediVol: A practical initial evaluation of refined, 3D, interactive volumetric representations of soft tissue pathologies in virtual environments
Presentation / Conference
Aspin, R., Smith, M., Nazar, M., Hutchinson, C., & Funk, L. MediVol: A practical initial evaluation of refined, 3D, interactive volumetric representations of soft tissue pathologies in virtual environments. Presented at 2009 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Singapore

Effective processing of source data matched to appropriate visualisation can greatly enhance the user’s ability to explore and comprehend complex information. While this is a fundamental problem for many domains, in medical applications it is particu... Read More about MediVol: A practical initial evaluation of refined, 3D, interactive volumetric representations of soft tissue pathologies in virtual environments.

A GPU based, projective multi-texturing approach to reconstructing the 3D human form for application in tele-presence
Presentation / Conference
Aspin, R., & Roberts, D. A GPU based, projective multi-texturing approach to reconstructing the 3D human form for application in tele-presence. Presented at ACM 2011 conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Hangzhou, China

This paper reports a GPU based, projective texturing approach to reconstructing the human form, from multiple images, at a quality and frame rate close to high end video conferencing. The ultimate aim is to support spatially grounded, non-verbal comm... Read More about A GPU based, projective multi-texturing approach to reconstructing the 3D human form for application in tele-presence.